kate Daugherty functional wellness
High Fiber Smashed Pea Toast Dairy-Free Vegan

High-Fiber Smashed Pea Toast: The New Breakfast Staple

High-Fiber Smashed Pea Toast is the answer to the great avocado shortage of 2022. It’s high-fiber, vegan, and satisfying no matter where you spread it.  Oh, snap! Avocado prices keep climbing. Enter: High-Fiber Smashed Pea Toast. I was inspired by Lucy Lord’s recent recipe, but wanted to find a way to make it gluten-friendly and dairy-free. I used plant-based Feta made by Violife. Many vegan / plant-based cheeses are soy-based, which is a food I typically avoid. (Soybeans grown in the United States are notoriously contaminated with pesticides like glyphosate.) This ‘cheese’ is made from potato starch and coconut oil and has the same feta saltiness. Free from dairy, soy, gluten, lactose, nuts, and preservatives!  While I’m not a huge fan of gluten-free replacement products; I understand the craving for a crunchy, warm piece of toast every once in a while. Adding extra fat and fiber helps to control the blood glucose response from a high-carbohydrate food like bread. Related: Understanding Soluble vs. Insoluble Fiber Related: Gluten-Free Oat + Almond Bread Simply mashing in some white beans (like Great Northern Beans) adds protein, fiber, and minimal calories. The consistency of mashed beans mimics that of peas and you get a high-volume toast topper like none other. Let’s Talk Toppings.  You can top smashed pea toast however you like. The Chili Onion Crunch Oil from Trader Joe’s is loaded with garlic, onion, spicy goodness that marries the bright, lemony peas perfectly. A sprinkle of red chili flakes could work here too. If you’re averse to spice, stick with flaky sea salt and fresh herbs.  Now that I think about it, this green pea toast would be super yummy topped with Sardines! Mmmmm.  Having options for toppings will add variety and help discover food preferences as you navigate a new diet. Novelty is an overlooked area to develop a healthy mindset around food.    The Ideal Vehicle… Really, this spread could work on anything. I was so fortunate that my sourdough turned out this weekend (it’s been a battle, but James is helping me). For a grain-free ‘toast’ use a slice of sweet potato, an Outer Aisle Cauliflower Thin, or even a simple rice cake! What You’ll Need for High-Fiber Smashed Pea Toast: Green Peas (thawed, if frozen) White Beans (Great Northern or Cannelini) Lemon Juice Olive Oil Dairy-Free Feta (optional) Chili Garlic Oil (optional) Flaky Sea Salt The beans are a sneaky addition that offer great soluble fiber, a little bit of protein, and micronutrients like potassium, magnesium, and lysine. They are a staple of my Hormone Healing Diet!  Let me know if you try High-Fiber Green Pea Toast and what additions you make!  You May Also Like: High-Fiber Avocado Toast Gluten-Free Oat and Almond Bread High-Fiber Smashed Pea Toast on Video: Shop This Article: In Case You Missed it: NEW Recipe Packs! DISCLAIMERS: The statements made on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You assume full responsibility for how you use this information. Always consult with your physician or other health professionals before making any diet or lifestyle changes. This post may contain affiliate links whereby if you purchase these products I receive a small percentage of the sale price. This allows me to keep the blog running and I thank you for allowing me to do that!

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Defining Popular Diets and Fads- from Carnivore to Macrobiotic

There are so many popular diets that range from ‘fad’ to ‘therapeutic’. Here’s my take on defining the parameters from a nutrition perspective. The world of ‘diets’ is WILD. There are so many eating patterns available; some with too-good-to-be-true promises and many with wonderful health benefits. As a nutritionist, I find merit and therapeutic usefulness in many ‘diets’ depending on your symptoms and concerns. I’m not here to tell you ONE diet is right for everyone.  Instead, I’ll help break down some popular diets and their ‘rules’ so you can make an informed decision about the best nutrition strategy FOR YOU. There is no established optimal diet for humans; but eating choices can drive us closer or further from health. Here’s a look at some popular diets and eating patterns: Anti-inflammatory: A primarily plant-based diet used to address chronic inflammation and associated health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. An anti-inflammatory diet typically includes large amounts of phytonutrients and antioxidants. This is considered a sustainable long-term eating pattern. Gluten-free: A therapeutic diet adopted by individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance that excludes all gluten-containing grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. This may be a lifelong commitment for those who have a reaction to gluten. Due to cross reactivity, those who follow a gluten-free diet may also adhere to dairy-free, corn-free, and soy-free choices. Mediterranean: A traditional diet common among individuals living in the Mediterranean region that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and whole grains. The Mediterranean diet has a lot of similarities to an anti-inflammatory diet. It has been greatly studied due to the long life expectancy and health of people native to the region. Ketogenic (keto): A high-fat, very low-carbohydrate diet used to promote weight loss and address neurological conditions such as pediatric epilepsy. The keto diet doesn’t necessarily restrict any categories of foods, but requires food choice based on macronutrient ratio. Some individuals thrive on a ketogenic diet, while others don’t do as well. For women, a cyclical keto approach may be a better option. Paleolithic (paleo)/ Primal: A dietary pattern inspired by the diets of hunter-gatherers of the paleolithic era that consists of lean meats, fish, healthy fats, vegetables, and certain fruits. The Paleo movement gained traction in the Crossfit community. It has since evolved, with some paleo proponents changing the ‘rules’ around things like legumes. Carnivore: An extreme version of the paleo diet that focuses on ONLY animal-based foods. This means all meats, eggs, fish and shellfish, and some dairy. The carnivore diet is more of a therapeutic diet in that in limits all potential anti-nutrients from plants. It is actually quite simple, and with proper planning, does supply adequate nutrition. PLANT-BASED: A blanket term that may or may not mean a diet built exclusively from plants. The choice to eat plant-based may come from moral and ethical reasons as much as health. Often, a plant-based diet falls within one of these subcategories: Pescatarian: A primarily plant-based diet that eliminates most animal sources of protein except for fish and shellfish Vegan: A strictly plant-based diet that restricts all animal-sourced foods and products Vegetarian: A dietary pattern that restricts meat, poultry, and fish but allows other animal products such as dairy, eggs, and honey Macrobiotic: A vegetarian diet based on the principles of Zen Buddhism. This diet is rich in whole grains, legumes, and seasonal produce thought to balance the elements of yin and yang within. In studies, this diet has been shown to be unsafe for children (and nursing mothers!) and can result in nutritional deficiencies. Breaking Down Therapeutic Diets: Most of these popular diets are used on a short-term basis (2-9 months) for healing specific conditions. After the initial restriction, new foods are added in to resume a more balanced approach to food. Elimination: While there are many iterations of an elimination diet, most will limit the top allergens (dairy, eggs, wheat, and soy) followed by a systematic reintroduction to better understand how each food group affects physiology. Whole30: An elimination diet over a 30-day period that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods and minimal additives. The Whole30 has a psychosocial component, helping participants to break unhealthy eating patterns, stop stress-related and comfort eating, and reduce emotional food attachments. Autoimmune Protocol: An advanced elimination diet that restricts all grains, seeds, nuts, nightshade vegetables, legumes, dairy, and eggs. The AIP Diet has been studied as a treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and other autoimmune conditions. It closely mimics the Wahls Protocol, developed by Dr. Terry Wahls for the treatment of MS. Low-FODMAP: An elimination diet that limits fermentable carbohydrates. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo- Di- and Mono-saccharides and polyols. This diet was developed at Monash University as a therapeutic intervention for IBS, SIBO, and other functional bowel disorders.  Low-Histamine: A diet that limits high-histamine foods. This diet is helpful for those with reactions to histamines (allergies). True histamine intolerance affects only about 1% of the population. However, this diet can be helpful for taming an overactive immune response. Specific Carbohydrate: A grain-free, sugar-free, lactose-free diet first developed by Dr. Sydney Haas for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). This diet is meant to help rebalance the gut microbiome and increase oral tolerance. Low-Glycemic: A diet that limits foods based on the glycemic index. The low-glycemic diet is a therapeutic intervention for Type II diabetes and heart disease. Anti-Candida: An elimination diet that limits simple sugars and other carbohydrates that feed the yeast species, Candida Albicans. This diet is a short-term intervention paired with anti-fungals to eradicate systemic yeast infections. Other Popular Diet Fads & Trends: Here are a few other diet trends you may have heard about… Celery Juice – The ‘Celery Juice Diet’ is really just a morning habit of drinking 16 ounces of fresh celery juice every morning. Introduced by The Medical Medium, and popularized by the likes of Goop and Well&Good, this trend claims to yield weight loss, lowered inflammation, and ‘restored health’. It’s nothing short

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Healthy Hormone Lifestyle Tips

The Lifestyle Habits You Need for Healthy Hormone Balance

Lifestyle habits are a huge component of healthy hormone balance. We live in a go-go-go time where we forget to honor ourselves. When we have poor stress-management, lack of movement, and a toxic environment it’s a recipe for hormone imbalance; manifesting as skipped periods, infertility, mood dysregulation, and general malaise. The five areas I look at that fall into ‘lifestyle’ include your diet, your exercise routine, your self-care, your sleep, and your environment. Poor performance in any of these areas can contribute to hormone issues that manifest as physical symptoms. Here are 5 categories of lifestyle habits for healthy hormone balance. 1 – Diet Your diet has a major impact on hormones. Start by eliminating any suspected food sensitivities or food allergies. If you’re not sure how to do that on your own, check out my Elimination Diet Guide. Next, start to evaluate the overall nutrient density of your diet. Choose real, whole foods. Eat plenty of high-quality protein, fats, and fiber. Do your best to ‘eat the rainbow’ daily to cover an array of phytonutrients. Incorporate Hormone-Healing foods like seeds, oysters, leafy vegetables, and legumes. Even when your nutrition is on-point, it may be useful to supplement with certain vitamins that are difficult to obtain from our diet. Things like Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Folate can fall in this category. Learn more about my top recommended supplements here. Lastly, make sure you stay hydrated! Aim to consume half your body weight in ounces or more, and drink to thirst. 2 – Movement Do your best to make movement a priority in and out of the gym. A successful exercise routine is any activity that you enjoy doing! This could be yoga, HIIT training, rowing, swimming, weight-lifting, or hiking. Don’t be afraid to change things up. There’s big power in listening to your cycle and adjusting workouts depending on how you’re feeling (a concept known as Cycle Syncing). A good start is adding movement after meals. Even a short, brisk walk can support cortisol and insulin balance. These hormones are tightly regulated by the liver and adrenal glands. Cortisol and Insulin are both involved in the endocrine system and will have downstream effects on sex hormones. Use your in-the-gym time to focus on resistance training. Even if it is just bodyweight resistance, this is important to increase/maintain muscle mass and support bone health. The more muscle you can build and preserve, the ‘hotter’ your metabolism will run. 3 – Stress Management / Self-Care Re-engage with yourself. Strive for balance, but recognize the natural cyclical changes that hormones bring. Get in tune with when you are at your highest energy (typically at ovulation) and when you need a slowdown (before menstruation). By leaning into your natural rhythm, you’ll be less frustrated when you do feel emotional. Find a regular self-care routine. This could include breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, yoga, time outside, prayer, art, or anything else that brings you joy. Not sure where to start? Kristen Milliron, LCSW, shares her tips for starting a journaling practice here.  You may never have a ‘stress-free’ life… but how you manage your stress makes a difference.  Also in the self-care realm: finding a way to connect with yourself (or your partner) is essential for hormone health. Oxytocin, the hormone of connection, is released during orgasm, breastfeeding, as well as massage, holding hands, and hugs. Sexual intimacy is not just important for trying to conceive, but also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle and improve moods. 4 – Sleep Get in bed. You likely need 7-8 hours of quality sleep to feel your best. Make this a habit by setting a bedtime alarm that says, “hey, time to get IN bed” in addition to your usual morning alarm. If you can establish a regular routine, your body will adjust.  Optimize your sleep environment. Turn off screens a few hours before bed, wear blue blocking glasses, sleep in a dark room, and perfect your evening routine. The better control you take over these manageable habits- the better quality sleep you will achieve. Ask for help. If you find yourself waking at regular intervals through the night, unable to fall asleep, dealing with negative thought patterns, or having physical symptoms preventing good sleep (night sweats, restless legs).. ask for help. A Mental Health Therapist, Functional Medicine Doctor, or Nutritionist can evaluate your symptoms and offer intervention. 5 – Environment A big part of Healthy Hormones lies in making an effort to decrease your toxic burden. We live in an increasingly toxic world and it seems to be closing in on us. Our personal care products, makeup, cleaning products, and food storage likely contain harmful chemicals that CAN be avoided. Do a deep dive of your environment by considering these questions: Do you buy organic food and/or avoid the Dirty Dozen? Do you use glass/stainless steel for food storage and avoid plastics? Do you drink filtered water? Do you buy pharmaceutical grade supplements? Do you use clean makeup and skincare products? We can best support detoxification in the liver by staying hydrated, pooping daily, and consuming adequate protein & fiber. ((Learn more about detox here)) Related: Dietary Fiber: Understanding Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber Changing Lifestyle Habits for Healthy Hormone Balance takes time. These habits are things to slowly adopt to get you more in tune with yourself. One day at a time. Free Managing Stress & Anxiety Cookbook: Want 20 recipes to manage stress & anxiety? Click here to get Kate’s Stress&Anxiety Cookbook that includes recipes that supply adequate magnesium, B6, iron, and fiber!  Want to work with a functional nutritionist to personalize your diet? Struggling with hormone imbalance, IBS, weight gain, mood changes? Let’s look at FOOD FIRST. Read more about Functional Nutrition at The Facility here. CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 15-Minute Nutrition Consult with Kate to determine your best course of action!

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