Functional Wellness //

Welcome to the blog. Here, you'll find my collection of recipes, musings, research, and life. I'm always learning and experiencing and sharing it all. I believe that health is a constant work-in-progress: a VERB not a noun. --------- I'm so glad you're here.
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What is FUNCTIONAL nutrition?

I define health by much more than what you eat and what you look like. I consider the system AS A WHOLE : how are your emotions? what are your passions? where do you find connection? F U N C T I O N A L wellness is about your ability to thrive in all aspects of life-

 physiologically / structurally / mentally / emotionally 

With nutrition, I take this to mean establishing a personal eating strategy that supports optimal well-being. Nothing is right for every person and the constant exploration is the beauty of our human existence. 




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" Nutrition should be personal. food is connection, food is community, food is love. find a personal eating style that moves you. "
kate daugherty
Nutrition specialist
Functional nutritionist Kate Daugherty



I see patients in-person at my functional medicine clinic in Denver, CO and via Telehealth all over the country. I work directly with Dr. Mitchell Rasmussen, DC to investigate complicated autoimmune symptoms, immune dysregulation, hormone imbalance, and cognitive issues. We use advanced functional lab testing to work up cases and treat using nutrition and lifestyle medicine.  


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