The carnivore diet means eating only animals; no plants. The diet is largely meat: a lot of protein, a lot of fat, and nearly zero carbohydrates. If it IS an animal, or it comes from an animal, it is likely included in the carnivore diet.
A carnivore diet can be thought of as a perfect elimination diet. It is on the extreme end of “diets” because it is so restrictive; however, with careful planning it is a highly nutritious and sustainable way to eat. When you eat animal foods nose-to-tail you are consuming the most nutrient rich, bioavailable foods on the planet! Eating animals nose-to-tail will provide plenty of Vitamin C, and will not hurt your kidneys, liver, or heart; in fact, it will likely make you much healthier.

Carnivore Diet “Rules”
There are no clear guidelines to follow for the carnivore diet regarding macronutrients or percentages of total calories. This is a healing diet that allows you to tap into your intuition: eat to satiety. A true nose-to-tail carnivore diet includes high quality muscle meat, as well as organ meats and connective tissue. While it isn’t easy, it is surely a SIMPLE diet. Enjoy food freedom with less cooking, less prepping, and less shopping.
This diet can be used as a reset, a short-term diet, before testing and adopting a less rigid routine moving forward. There is no set of “laws” on how to eat. Perhaps you should consider this more of an overall lifestyle change than a “diet.”

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What’s IN and what’s OUT?
The simple inclusion: if it is an animal or comes from an animal, it is likely included: meat, fish, eggs, organs, broth, fat, dairy, collagen, and gelatin.
NOT part of the diet: plant foods, processed and packaged foods, grains, legumes, soda and sweeteners, candies, and refined oils.
When you break it down into “yes” and “no” foods eating carnivore is a very simple diet. However, it takes some planning and balance to ensure all micronutrients are accounted for. Consuming a wide variety of animal foods will not only stave off diet fatigue, but will ensure you are getting a full complement of vitamins and minerals.
A well-designed animal-based diet is especially healing for many types of conditions including gut and digestive disorders, mood problems, depression, anxiety, chronic inflammation, skin conditions, hormone imbalance, and autoimmune disease.
A carnivore diet renews dietary confidence, reforms habits, and resets your relationship with food. Some common benefits include improved digestion, reduced inflammation, improved cognition, weight loss/body composition change, hormonal balance, improved physical performance, better skin, and less pain.
Ready to Learn More and TRY IT OUT?
CLICK HERE to purchase the COMPLETE Nose-to-Tail Guide by Functional Nutritionist, Kate Daugherty and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Mitchell Rasmussen. You’ll get 25+ pages of resources on starting and successfully maintaining a healthy carnivore diet.
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